Mixed bag for HSAs: Reduced outpatient costs, higher inpatient use

HSA plan enrollees filled fewer prescriptions as compared with PPO enrollees.

A new report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) shows that the use of Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) helps reduce the use of outpatient services; prescription drugs and increased use of inpatient services for HSA-eligible plan enrollees.

“The purpose of our research was to closely examine the impact of plan type on the use of health care services and spending. The analysis focused on enrollees in HSA plans and preferred provider organization (PPO) enrollees who are in health plans with deductibles large enough to be HSA eligible as a way of isolating the impact of the HSA on use of health care services,” explained Paul Fronstin, Ph.D., director, Health Benefits Research, EBRI.

Key findings in the new research report, “HSAs Reduce Use of Outpatient Services and Prescription Drugs, Increase Use of Inpatient Services; Overall Spending Unaffected,” include:

Related: Tax season: Important HSA considerations the workforce should know

“The research concluded that HSA plans have mixed effects on use of health care services. Inpatient admissions and days were higher in HSA plans than in PPOs. The additional inpatient admissions do not appear to be coming from emergency department visits, as HSA plans enrollees used emergency departments less than PPO enrollees,” said Fronstin.

“Interestingly, there is a shift from specialist visits to primary care visits among HSA plans enrollees. The HSA plan enrollees also filled fewer prescriptions as compared with PPO enrollees. Overall, HSA plan enrollment had no impact on total spending and there was no statistically significant difference in overall spending between HSA plan and PPO enrollees.”