What’s the good news, ladies?  April showers 

This April, let’s raise our metaphorical umbrellas to celebrate these women making waves. It's time to delve into their stories, quirks, and maybe even their secret rain dances.

As April showers grace the earth, coaxing flowers from their slumber, they remind us of nature’s unstoppable force—or at least something more reliable than your office coffee machine.

In the landscape of employee benefits, women like Carleen and Diana have emerged as refreshing rainclouds, bringing nourishment and growth. Once sidelined, they’re now calling the shots, crunching numbers, and probably hiding the good snacks in their desk drawers.

This April, let’s raise our metaphorical umbrellas to celebrate these women making waves. It’s time to delve into their stories, quirks, and maybe even their secret rain dances. After all, April showers bring May flowers—and perhaps professional growth too. Especially if you are attending the BenefitsPro Broker Expo this month in Denver!

Carleen Haylett, CEO and Founder, EnrichedHQ

“In 2021, as a single mom in tech, I faced a stark reality: The work world wasn’t for working parents like me. This struggle led me to leave corporate America, marking the start of EnrichedHQ’s mission against the “Mommy Tax”—an issue pushing many women out of the workforce. Today, my company is at the forefront of advocating for systemic change. I’ve shone a spotlight on this critical issue, reaching stakeholders far and wide, and sparking necessary conversations about supporting working parents, especially mothers with school-aged children. Media and corporations now seek my guidance to create more inclusive workplaces. This transformation from personal challenge to leading a movement highlights my dedication to driving change—not just pointing out problems. I’m extremely proud of how far I’ve come, fueled by passion, the countless working parents and women my voice has helped, and the desire to make a real difference.”

Diana Moffitt, Trinet

“In 2023, I transitioned to TriNet, applying my knowledge and experience as a benefits brokerand GA representative to strategically enhance partnerships. Working closely with former colleagues, I achieved notable successes, resulting in my appointment to a national leadership role overseeing this partnership and other regional partnerships.  

While serving as Membership Chair at CAHIP-Santa Barbara, my efforts to expand membership with the Agency Dues Model resulted in our chapter being recognized with the Most New Members Tiny Chapter Award at the 2023 NABIP Convention. My passion and contributions were acknowledged, culminating in an invitation to join the incoming CAHIP state Board. 

On a personal note, I had the privilege of sharing my journey of embracing my gray and empowering women through various published articles and interviews. 

Looking ahead, I am committed to fostering collaboration, making meaningful contributions, and inspiring others in the process.”

Join our Wonder Woman Crew as we unite to shine a light on these remarkable leaders. Send your nominations to scombs@combsandco.com, or even better, take the initiative to step forward and introduce yourself!  And if you are going to be at the Broker Expo later this month, PLEASE come introduce yourself to me!