Drugmakers frequently pay physicians to endorse products on social media, study finds

Twenty-six of the 28 physicians included in the study received payments from pharmaceutical companies for a variety of reasons, most often noted as food and beverages, speaking or consulting fees.

Social media endorsements on behalf of Big Pharma is big business. More than 9 in 10 physicians who posted their support for a drug or medical device on X were paid by drugmakers, according to a recent study published in JAMA. These payments totaled $2.46 billion in 2022.

“The conflict of interest may not be apparent to the general social media audience,” researchers said. “These payments can represent scientific collaboration but may involve marketing efforts without scientific benefits, raising concerns regarding their influence on clinical decision-making.”

Researchers used Open Payments, a website run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, to verify payment data. Open Payments is a comprehensive database that allows the public to see how much money doctors receive from pharmaceutical companies, whether for research, speaking fees, consulting or other forms of compensation. Among the key findings:

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The United States is one of the few developed countries that permits direct advertising of pharmaceutical products, including on radio, television and social media. Although it is legal for U.S. doctors and health care professionals to receive payments for endorsing drugs, doing so can lead to ethical concerns.

“Physician participation in industry marketing raises questions regarding professionalism and their responsibilities as patient advocates,” researchers concluded. “If the medical profession fails to self-regulate these arrangements, governmental intervention may become necessary to uphold standards.”