Binge drinking costs employers billions, but help is available

Employers who proactively address substance use can have a positive impact on both the wellbeing of employees and their bottom line.

Employers correctly focus on the human cost of substance use and the toll it can take on employees and their families. However, it also exposes the business itself to substantial costs.

For example, binge drinking alone generates $249 billion in annual health care related costs and decreased employee productivity. When expenses related to the use of other substances, such as cannabis, are factored in, the potential impact of substance use to employers, health plans and other organizations is significant.

“When we think about substance use, it’s common to focus on those who have a diagnosed substance use disorder,” said Dr. Terri-Lynn MacKay, mental health director for ALAViDA Substance Use, a product of LifeSpeak Inc. “However, the highest cost to employers is lost productivity by employees with statistically average consumption of substances.”

ALAViDA Substance Use is a virtual care solution providing evidence-based resources and personalized coaching services for anyone who would like to change their relationship with substance use. New data from LifeSpeak demonstrate how an evidence-based approach to substance use care and education can help individuals reduce substance use and improve daily life functioning, while improving outcomes and reducing health care and lost productivity costs for employers:

“When it comes to behavior change, it’s a known fact that having a personal support system is essential for success,” said Michael Held, founder and CEO of LifeSpeak. “The fact that our solutions are available online, at any time, breaks down a primary barrier for those who need substance use support or those who are considering reducing their consumption.”

Employers who proactively address substance use can have a positive impact on both the wellbeing of employees and their bottom line.

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“At LifeSpeak, we encourage employers and HR teams to recognize that substance use normally exists on a spectrum and to offer support and educational resources that can benefit everyone, from the employee who enjoys a glass of wine with dinner to those who are concerned about their substance use,” MacKay said.