Expert Perspective Presented by Nationwide

Rising Pet Costs: Making the Case for Pet Insurance

A survey finds 38% of pet owners would spend $1,000 or more for life-saving care for their companion. Pet insurance can help with costs and ensure the best care.

A recent survey finds that 38% of pet owners would spend $1,000 or more for life-saving care for their companion. At the same time, the New York Times reports that pet care costs have soared over the last several years.

These and other factors show why pet insurance is becoming an increasingly sought-after voluntary benefit for many employees who want to offset costs while ensuring quality care for their four-legged companions.

In this podcast called “Rising Pet Costs: Making the Case for Pet Insurance,” BenefitsPRO contributor Michael Krieger speaks with David Hurley, Director of Sales, Voluntary Benefits & Member/Specialty Groups, at Nationwide, and Dr. Jules Benson, Pet Health Chief Veterinary Officer at Nationwide.

During the discussion, these experts discuss:

This podcast episode is the third of a series called Nurturing Employees’ Relationships with Pets Brings Rewards for All, which is hosted on BenefitsPRO and sponsored by Nationwide. Click here to listen to the previous episode.