Why virtual nurse triage is the future of employee health benefits

When selecting nurse-first triage providers, organizations should prioritize those with high NPS and customer satisfaction ratings.

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As competition for talent drives employers’ benefit offerings, one approach gaining traction is virtual nurse triage. It’s a service that offers employees timely medical advice, determines appropriate levels of care, and facilitates access to health care resources.

At a time when 40% of corporations absorbed increases in health insurance premiums for their employees in 2023, more companies are looking at ways to decrease health care costs through new benefit options, including nurse advice lines, a Goldman Sachs report on 2023 benefit and compensation trends found. This type of offering helps employees “find the right provider based on quality and cost,” Goldman Sachs observed. It also helps reduce unnecessary emergency department visits, a significant contributor to rising costs of care.

Choosing the perfect virtual nurse triage service isn’t just about availability. It’s also about ensuring efficient coordination in a large range of health care situations, all while delivering a positive experience for clients. That’s where the nurse triage service’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) becomes crucial in selecting the ideal partner.

Understanding Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS serves as a barometer of customer loyalty and overall satisfaction, gauging the likelihood of individuals to recommend a service to friends or colleagues. Respondents rate their satisfaction on a scale from 0 to 10, categorizing them as Promoters (score 9-10), Passives (score 7-8), or Detractors (score 0-6). The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

A high NPS is valued across industries as it indicates a strong base of satisfied customers. According to Bain & Company, the consulting firm that developed the NPS system, an NPS above 0 is considered good, above 20 is favorable, and above 50 is rated as excellent. These benchmarks can help organizations assess where they stand in terms of customer sentiment and loyalty as well as in comparison to their peers.

Exemplifying excellence

A score that is well above the benchmark for excellence establishes a nurse triage service as a leader in the industry. It’s a great indication of how a company might provide value for an employee benefits program. Key characteristics that a high NPS typically points to include the following five categories.

Enhanced patient satisfaction: A high NPS reflects satisfied clients that are more likely to recommend the service to others, indicating positive experiences with the nurse triage service. One thing to consider in evaluating a nurse triage service is whether patients are greeted by a knowledgeable health care professional from the outset, eliminating the need for redundant explanations and minimizing wait times. Instead of navigating through layers of administrative staff, patients directly connect with a nurse who efficiently assesses their needs and provides appropriate guidance. This streamlined process significantly enhances patient satisfaction and fosters trust, directly contributing to improved patient satisfaction within employee benefit programs.

Increased employee engagement: Employees who receive prompt, efficient, and helpful health care assistance through nurse triage services are more likely to feel supported by their employer. Employees accessing these nurse triage programs tend to experience personalized and attentive care via a triage team that quickly addresses their needs. This fosters a sense of reassurance and support from their employer.

Cost savings: A nurse triage service with a high NPS is consistently able to help reduce unnecessary emergency department visits by accurately determining the appropriate level of care for employees. When a patient calls the nurse triage service with a non-emergent issue, nurses guide them to the appropriate care settings, such as scheduling a primary care appointment instead of visiting the emergency department. This results in significant cost savings for both employers and employees. It also ensures patients receive the right care in the right setting.

Efficient resource allocation: High performing nurse triage services efficiently manage patient calls and provide timely assistance. When a patient requires immediate medical attention, nurses collaborate with health care providers to ensure seamless coordination of care, minimizing wait times and maximizing resource utilization. This enables resources to be allocated effectively, supporting better health outcomes.

Risk management: By addressing health concerns and providing accurate medical guidance, these partners mitigate the risk of worsening medical conditions and subsequent customer dissatisfaction.

Competitive advantage: Employee benefit programs that offer nurse triage services with exceptional NPS scores maintain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent. Employees who offer access to highly rated partners demonstrate their commitment to employee wellbeing and enhance their overall attractiveness as an employer.

Related: A nurse practitioner shortage? NPs are now leaving primary care for specialty care

Beyond NPS

A nurse triage service’s dedication to excellence extends beyond NPS. For instance, a customer effort score measures how easy it is to implement a nurse triage solution. It’s also an indication of the degree to which a nurse triage service works to sustain positive end-user experiences.

Gaining the right value for benefits programs

Client satisfaction and retention are paramount in today’s competitive landscape. When selecting nurse-first triage providers, organizations should prioritize those with high NPS and customer satisfaction ratings. By partnering with a highly rated partner, organizations can improve patient satisfaction, drive operational efficiency, manage risk effectively, and bolster their reputation in today’s health care environment.

Cheryl Dalton-Norman is the President and Co-founder of Conduit Health Partners, a nurse-first health care solutions company that connects patients and employees to the care they need, when they need it, through customized services in patient transfer, nurse triage, remote patient monitoring, hospital at-home and patient outreach. Conduit partners with health systems, provider groups, health plans and employers in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.