Keeping and attracting top talent by capitalizing on open enrollment

By prioritizing employee needs, focusing on cost-effectiveness, and taking proactive steps during open enrollment, SMBs can capitalize on the trend of employee loyalty.

(Photo: National Cancer Institute)

Recent research from Willis Towers Watson (WTW) paints a surprising picture of the current job market. Their study reveals that a significant majority (72%) of employees in the United States now prefer to stay with their current employers. This shift presents a unique opportunity for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) to solidify employee loyalty and build a competitive edge.

Open enrollment, that annual period of benefit selection, can be a powerful tool to capitalize on this trend. By creating a benefits package that addresses employee priorities and fosters a sense of value, SMBs can position themselves as an employer of choice.

What matters most to today’s loyal workforce?

While the “Great Resignation” may have subsided, employee priorities have evolved. Here’s what is currently driving employee satisfaction and retention:

Cost-effective strategies to maximize your benefits package

While offering a comprehensive benefits package is important, remaining budget-conscious is equally crucial for SMBs. Here are some strategies to ensure cost-effectiveness:

Optimizing your open enrollment process for employee retention

A smooth and informative open enrollment process is key to ensuring employee satisfaction with their benefits package. Here’s how to optimize the experience:

Related: Open enrollment recap: What’s on the minds of workers?

By prioritizing employee needs, focusing on cost-effectiveness, and taking proactive steps during open enrollment, SMBs can capitalize on the trend of employee loyalty. Remember, a well-designed benefits package is an investment in your most valuable asset – your employees. It can enhance their wellbeing, boost morale, and ultimately, contribute to the long-term success of your business.

Open enrollment season is an annual whirlwind of benefit selections and employee decisions, but it doesn’t need to be a logistical hurdle. A well-executed open enrollment period can be a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent, fostering employee wellbeing, and ultimately bolstering your company’s success.