

Alternative Health Plans: Key to Keeping Employers in the Market?

Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT
Cost: Complimentary
Produced and Sponsored by:

The healthcare industry is complex and under pressure. Healthcare costs are expected to grow by 8% this year, average health insurance premiums are rising, and inflation continues to pose a problem. How can these challenges be addressed?

Join our industry experts as they discuss the huge role brokers can play in helping clients proactively explore alternative health plans (AHPs) that aim to address cost and complexity with savings and simplicity.

You'll discover: 
• Recent factors contributing to the rising cost of employer-sponsored healthcare
• How cost increases impact employees
• What alternative health plans are, and the value they can bring to employers and employees 
• How to use innovative plan design to offer an alternative plan design alongside a traditional one


Cole Harris | National Health Innovations Practice Leader | CBIZ
Cole Harris is the President of CBIZ Benefits & Insurance of Tennessee and serves as the National Practice Leader for CBIZ's Health Innovations practice. With extensive experience in the benefits and insurance industry, Cole has been an integral part of major corporate strategies, offering consultative services that include evaluating current practices and recommending comprehensive, data-driven solutions. His expertise spans a wide range of areas, including Health Care Reform, Compliance Standards, Value-Based Purchasing, Benefit Design, Ease of Administration and more.

Cole has served on the Advisory Board for all major medical carriers and has built a reputation for developing innovative strategies that help employers contain costs while improving outcomes for employees. His outside-the-box approaches have consistently resulted in reduced costs and enhanced quality at the employee level.

Jeff Caldwell | Vice President, Strategic Partnerships | Claritev
Jeff Caldwell is an experienced sales and marketing professional with a strong background in leadership roles across various organizations for over 25 years. At MultiPlan, Jeff currently oversees strategic partnerships for the broker, consultant, employer, PEO, union, HCM and supplemental health markets. He is responsible for the market leadership, driving revenue growth and segment expansion plays a pivotal role in building customer relationships and exploring new business opportunities.

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