Fresh Unlimited Inc. wont have to provide contraceptive coverage for its employees under the health-care reform law, in what may be among the first exemptions granted since a June U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
According to a new report, most Americans arent confident the health exchanges under PPACA will operate smoothly during this falls open enrollment.
There are now so many exemptions to PPACAs individual mandate that the CBO says the number who would face fines for lack of coverage has dropped from seven million to four million.
Arkansas and Kentucky have seen their rates of uninsured residents drop the most since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Acts individual mandate went into effect at the beginning of the year, Gallup said Tuesday.
Historically, the only employer groups interested in self-funding their health insurance policies were the ones that could absorb the costs of a catastrophic health eventin other words, companies with Fortune 500-level bottom lines.
Benefits industry insiders say the effects of two contradictory court rulings Tuesday on subsidies under PPACA could have a long-term and possibly disastrous effect on the law, but theyre also not counting on it happening quite yet.
Two U.S. appeals courts reached opposite conclusions on the legality of a key financing provision of the Affordable Care Act, increasing the chance of another showdown at the Supreme Court over President Barack Obamas signature health-care law.
Abortion advocates in New York introduced a bill this week that would require employers to notify workers in advance about changes in contraception coverage.
The IRS has mandated new requirements to report a change in the identity of a "responsible party" for entities that have an employer identification number.