The Plan Sponsor Council of America, ERISA Industry Committee and U.S. Chamber of Commerce have asked the Department of Labor to clarify some of its proposals relating to fee disclosures in participant-directed individual account plans.
The administrations budget proposal estimated that the retirement savings cap would generate an additional $9 billion in revenue. Then what are the real costs?
The terms spouse and marriage in ERISA and a host of other employee benefit laws over which the DOL has jurisdiction will now include same-sex couples legally married in any state that recognizes such marriages.
It's safe to say that the medical loss ratio provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are among the least favored facets of the law. Here, the answers to seven critical questions to help you understand their ins and outs:
The U.S. Department of Labor's revamped fiduciary standard will include transactions involving IRA accounts but won't be ready by October, as had been anticipated.
Putting into place a retirement plan at your company can seem daunting. There are so many options. Plan sponsors need to set goals and determine what type of plan they want.