For those of us who are currently employed, the answer may be as easy as learning more about our employers retirement plan(s), including several tax breaks Uncle Sam affords.
An average of 64.3 percent of employees eligible to participate in their organizations 403(b) plan made contributions to the plan in 2011, new research reveals.
The Plan Sponsor Council of Americas 2012 403(b) survey found that more plans offered automatic enrollment in 2011 compared to 2010 and nearly half offered target-date funds as their default investment option.
Despite improvement in nonprofit retirement plans, financial advisors are needed to close the still yawning gap between 403(b)s and their corporate cousins, 401(k)s.
Public Health Service (PHS) Act section 2708, as added by the Affordable Care Act, provides that, in plan years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2014, a group health plan or group health insurance issuer shall not apply any waiting period that exceeds how many days?
Fee disclosure regulations that go into effect in July and August will come as a surprise to many plan sponsors, especially small and medium-sized companies, even though the regulations have been discussed for years.
The U.S. Department of Labor and Los Angeles-based Western Mixers Inc., a fruit and nut company, have reached an agreement to restore a total of $1,287,901 to the company's pension plan.
Enrollment season this year will bring an added compliance requirement for employers, which is intended to help plan enrollees know exactly what theyre getting out of their policy.