NEW YORK - The National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions plans to hold its fourth National Faith-Based Credit Union Conference in Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 9-11. The conference will be targeted not only at community development credit unions, but also at the broader group of faith-based CUs. Faith-based CUs represent...
NEW YORK - U.S. Banker has been taken to task for its criticism of credit unions' privacy policies and plans in an article printed in the June issue of the Thompson Publications magazine. In a letter to the editor from Peggy Wilson, director, corporate marketing communications for Bankers Systems Inc.,...
NEW YORK - It looks like credit unions will have bragging rights for at least another year. Once again credit unions outpaced all other financials in satisfaction levels according to the annual American Banker/Gallup Consumer Survey. The 2001 survey found that consumers in general are happier with their primary financial...
COLUMBIA, S.C. - People sometimes get their best ideas while shopping. Just ask Carol Brown, who happened upon the inspiration for the newest tool in her credit union's member-service lineup while doing a bit of online shopping. "We're all Web surfers around here," says the vice president of member and...
REDWOOD SHORES, Calif. and FARMINGVILLE, N.Y. - Two credit unions recently eclipsed the $1 billion asset mark. Provident Central Credit Union, serving over 88,000 members, reached this milestone six months ahead of when it expected. PCCU is one of the 50 largest credit unions in the United States and the...
ALBANY, N.Y. - Legislation that would enact a revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and bring New York State up to par with other states is among the bills waiting Gov. George Pataki's signature. The revised UCC Article 9 creates a new statewide system for filing of...
NEW YORK - Actors Federal Credit Union has joined forces with the Lower East Side Peoples Federal Credit Union to offer members ATMs along with their next order of fries at the McDonalds on 102-106 First Avenue at 6th Street. Members of LESPFCU, a low-income designated credit union, can now...
Fort Lee Federal Credit Union, Prince George, Va., has awarded PWCampbell its design/build contract to renovate its main office. The facility will provide members with enhanced retail and drive-up services. In addition, the renovations will improve operational efficiency. Construction is expected to be completed by Spring 2002. Fort Lee FCU...
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Most credit union people know all or some of the members of the NCUA Board, and many likely know who their Regional Directors are, but NCUA is much more vast than that. In this piece, NCUA, as an organization, is broken down by department. NCUA Board A...
WASHINGTON - Even before he began speaking, the title of Professor Lawrence White's report-"Caught in a Regulatory Vise: The Peculiar Problem Faced by Federally Insured State Chartered Credit Unions"-hinted at the key finding of his study: the regulatory structure of the NCUA and the NCUSIF is not only placing the...