One of the most important developments in the history of U.S. retirement plans continues to unfold and will keep getting more interesting in the months ...
The mutual fund industry has problems beyond the ones regulators are investigating, and unfortunately they have included a combination of arrogance and indifference to the ...
In financial services, perhaps the most powerful trend of modern times has been the growth of objective financial advice. Among evidence supporting that claim is ...
Forbes magazine recently celebrated its 85th anniversary with a special issue (12/23/02) that focused on "big ideas" in the business world. For example, among the ...
In a rapidly changing industry, it's easy for yesterday's innovation to become tomorrow's inertia. Today, I believe that observation applies to many financial advisors who ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. - Brad Wood knows a lot of certifications, that seemingly never-ending list of acronyms that indicates specialized training in a specific technology or vendor's product. As network administrator at Clark County Schools Employees Credit Union in Vancouver, Wash., Wood has to know what they mean when he hires...
Missoula Federal Credit Union, Mont., has been bestowed the Special Contribution to the System Award by the Montana Developmental Disabilities Planning and Advisory Council. The council annually awards individuals and agencies that make a positive impact on the lives of people with developmental disabilities. The credit union was recognized for...
By PAUL GENTILE CU Times Editor WASHINGTON - CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc., (CBSI) the broker/dealer arm of CUNA Mutual Group, was one of two firms issued enforcement actions recently by NASD Regulation, Inc. for practices related to the sale of variable annuity and life insurance contracts. The NASD has been...
WASHINGTON - Individual retirement accounts are poised to become even more of a viable investment choice when new contributions limits are put in place on Jan 1, 2002. Up until now, IRA contributions were limited to $2,000 a year per person, but the 2002 changes mean that an individual over...