"When managers prioritize employee wellbeing, they could see improved employee morale, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and lower turnover rates," says Joan Woodward, Executive Vice President of Public Policy for Travelers and President of the Travelers Institute.
The company put out a statement on Friday rejecting the allegations, but the Wall Street Journal article caused a 7.17% drop in the price of its stock.
The cannabis industry’s premier partner in human resources and payroll solutions has launched a fully-vetted retirement plan by partnering with Vanguard, First Citizens Bank and PCSRetirement.
The Biden administration’s agenda, which sought to provide Medicaid-funded emergency services to undocumented immigrants, has cost federal and state taxpayers more than $16.2 billion, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates.
The Labor Department was granted its motion to pause two federal court cases challenging its Retirement Security Rule, which was finalized last April and had been set to go into effect last September, but has been beset by lawsuits.
By adopting innovative approaches and prioritizing flexibility, organizations can create sustainable benefits strategies that support both their workforce and their long-term goals.
The industry nonprofit has launched a Financial Planning Hall of Fame to honor financial planners, academics and policymakers who have advanced the profession in “meaningful and enduring ways.”