Proposed legislation could make California one of only a handful of states that require insurers to disclose denial rates and reasoning, which the industry often considers proprietary information.
After a federal judge ruled that American Airlines violated its ERISA duties by focusing on ESG factors in choosing investments, a coalition of Democratic city and state officials sent letters to the SEC and DOL, urging them to protect ESG investing.
More employers who are dismissing workers are opting to deliver the bad news remotely, but a face-to-face meeting is seen as reducing the chance of future litigation.
Two employers sued over the health law mandate that requires preventive care coverage but a testing firm CEO think other forces now shape the coverage.
More than 600,000 American companies could be at risk of fines, legal penalties and fiduciary failure for failing to auto-enroll, offer qualified investments or transmit payments on time, according to Abernathy Daley 401k Consultants.