By addressing challenges with thoughtful, employee-focused strategies, HR professionals can turn potential obstacles into opportunities, paving the way for workplaces that thrive even with the changes that have already occurred at the start of 2025.
Forfeiture cases are no longer nuisance lawsuits, as top law firm Schlichter Bogard, which has been representing many plaintiffs in recent 401(k) excessive fee lawsuits, is representing the telecommunications company’s participant-plaintiffs.
The letters were signed by the America’s Agenda, Blue Shield of California, the ERISA Industry Committee, National Association of Chain Drug Stores, National Community Pharmacists Association, PBM Accountability Project and Transparency-Rx.
In addition, 90% of all nonprofit employees are eligible to participate in plans, a survey high, and likely expanded due to another SECURE 2.0 provision allowing long-term, part-time employees to participate, according to a PSCA survey.
As 2025 unfolds, organizations that manage remote and hybrid workforces can benefit from putting an action-packed calendar of varied team building events and activities in place.