Between 2011 and 2022, the number of issuers fell some in the large-employer market and more in the small-employer market, according to the Government Accountability Office.
Six investor advocacy groups are opposing CITs in 403(b)s because some plans are not governed by ERISA, so eliminating SEC’s regulatory oversight is detrimental, in a letter to the Senate committee.
Brokers and benefits consultants play an important role in helping their clients provide critical resources, including information, counseling and support.
The voluntary benefits marketplace has evolved into a sophisticated, integrated solution, requiring employers to offer more personalized, comprehensive, and data-driven benefits packages that appeal to a diverse workforce and increase participation and utilization.
Encouraging the use of wellness tools that put the power to manage goals and find resources in the hands of employees can help them manage stress and budgeting.
Following Trump's election victory, significant policy shifts are expected in Washington, which will likely lead to more legal battles and regulatory uncertainty.