PASCAGOULA, Miss. - Navy personnel from around the world who often spend months away at sea, now have a place to relax, get a bite to eat and build up their sea legs, thanks to a new United Services Organization (USO) facility built with the efforts and support of credit...
MADISON, Wis. - Corporate credit unions can now look to CUNA Mutual Group for investment options. CUNA Mutual says it wants to help corporates attract some of the $50 billion or so that is invested by natural person CUs outside of the corporate CU network with its new CUNA Mutual...
JACKSONVILLE - The $6 billion-Southwest Corporate Federal Credit Union is really making itself known in the Southeast of late. Last month Southwest and Georgia Central CU announced merger plans, with Southwest as the surviving corporate. If completed, the merger will give Southwest Corporate an instant presence in Georgia, with about...
TAYLOR, Mich. - It's bandied about all the time in the industry, "Small credit unions can use technology to offer big credit union services." Digital Dialogue here thinks it has what it takes to get small CUs on that path. Digital Dialogue recently unveiled the D2 Small Credit Union Module....
WASHINGTON-In a recent letter to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski, NAFCU urged the subcommittee to remove the $600 million borrowing cap on the Central Liquidity Facility (CLF), or if not possible, at least set it at last congressional session's $1.5 billion. The letter...
SAN ANTONIO - Check provider Clarke American here has entered into an alliance with Internet content provider Greer Group, Cleveland, to offer Web content solutions for credit unions. Clarke American said that it is finding that many of its CU clients can not afford or don't have the expertise on...
ARLINGTON, Va. - NCUA has agreed to take a "good look" at the numbers it reported in its year-end 2000 data on credit union service organizations after talks between an agency staffer and NACUSO President Bob Dorsa concerning the allegedly misleading data. Dorsa called the numbers "way off-base" (CU Times,...
GLASGOW, Scotland - Scotwest Credit Union holds 13% of the assets deposited in the 700 credit unions in England, Wales and Scotland. About to mark its 10th anniversary, the credit union has a lot to celebrate. With more than 15,000 members, it is somewhat of a phenomena in the British...
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -To sell or not to sell a credit card portfolio-that is the latest question facing more and more credit unions. All sides generally agree that certain factors such as the liquidity crunch credit unions faced toward the end of 2000 and the change in the competitive...
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Even with many favorable signs, the new Democratic leadership in the U.S. Senate presents a climate of some uncertainty for credit unions, particularly on community reinvestment type regulation, according to Peter Crear, CUNA's executive vice president and chief operating officer. Speaking at the annual meeting of the...