JULY JULY 16-20 Lending Solutions' Rex Johnson's University of Lending, Crystal Lake Holiday Inn, Crystal Lake, Ill. For info: Marsha Wieder, 888-574-6572. JULY 12-13 Brick & Associates, Inc. "Strategic Conference," East Lansing Marriott, East Lansing, Mich. For info: 800-332-8188. JULY 15-25 CU Conferences' Credit Union Scandinavia/Russia Cruise Conference, Princess Cruise's...
AUKLAND, New Zealand - The Baycourt Convention Centre in Tauranga will be the site of the "People Make the Difference" conference and Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Association of Credit Unions on September 13-16. Topics will include the new Trust Deed Licence System, credit control, team building, fraud, governance...
Waterloo, Iowa - John Deere Community Credit Union has awarded four Cedar Valley organizations funding for special culturally diverse programs through the Diversity Alliance and Cultural Alliance for Youth Grant programs. The grants are awarded to those organizations whose programs celebrate cultural and social diversity for youth in Black Hawk,...
VALLEY FORGE, Pa. - Credit unions not only want their IT department to be able to pull data from their core system and create custom reports, they want that power CU-wide for all employees. USERS has released the latest version of DataSafeSQL - a standards-based tool that gives credit union...
RYE, N.Y. - A study by Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment firm Mobius Management Systems here shows yet again that most consumers think EBPP is a great idea, but they don't know if their billers offer it. "The lack of adoption has become a sort of self-fulfilling prophesy. I think...
WASHINGTON-The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has made some operational management changes in order to separate the larger national banks from the smaller institutions. According to the American Banker, the agency is regrouping 350 of its 1,980 examiners who supervise the top 30 national banks. Comptroller John...
WASHINGTON-After nearly a year's wait, the Renaissance Commission has handed over its recommendations for CUNA's legislative and regulatory pursuits to the board of directors. The commission's suggestions include both short and long-term goals to be voted on by the board shortly after press time. "I feel very good about it...
WASHINGTON-As the Utah Credit Union League and America First Credit Union of Ogden, Utah, approached their representatives on the Hill, the credit union representatives knew exactly what they came to achieve. The small credit union group that had traveled almost the entire way across the country wished to thank their...
WASHINGTON - As credit unions forge ahead in helping low-income members save for a new home, pay for education or start a business through individual development accounts (IDA), momentum is building to make these savings vehicles more widely available. The latest House bill, the Savings for Working Families Act (H.R....
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Imagine it, children begging their parents to see Power Puff Girls, Shrek and -insert your credit union's kids club mascot here. "Just do it" is the message for credit unions still debating if they should have a youth program. According to a recent CUNA &...