SAN ANTONIO - The $1.4 billion Randolph-Brooks FCU here received some national media attention recently on ABC's late-night news program Nightline, anchored by Ted Koppel. Nightline focused on U.S.-Mexico relations and in particular the role of Juan Hernandez, Mexico's Secretary of Migrant Affairs and Advisor to Mexico President Vicente Fox....
Seaboard Credit Union, Jacksonville, Fla., has named Delores Dubovsky senior vice president of special services and Virginia Bright business development manager. In addition SCU has promoted Hidi McChesney to marketing manager and Kara Nichols to training director. Georgia Credit Union Affiliates, Duluth, President/CEO Mike Mercer has been elected vice chairman...
WASHINGTON - With bipartisan support, H.R. 1408, the Financial Services Antifraud Network Act, authored by U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) has been passed by the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit. The legislation would create an antifraud network where the nation's financial regulators can confidentially share...
WASHINGTON -While CUNA and other credit union lobby groups pushed hard to get the tax bill, which included credit union-backed pension reform provisions, through Congress, CUNA, together with WOCCU, has been trying to obtain greater appropriations for international credit union development. However, cutting $1.35 trillion in taxes will have a...
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - While nothing really stands out on June's NCUA Board meeting agenda (see story page 3), which includes a community charter conversion, a corporate field of membership expansion, and amendments to various rules including Truth in Savings, credit union trade group officials are already speculating on next month's...
MADISON, Wis. - Dimensions, a CUNA Mutual Group magazine for credit union executives and managers, was a big winner at the 2001 Silver Quill Awards, which is sponsored by the International Association of Business Communicators. "I'd like to think winning these kinds of awards is a proxy of sorts for...
Don't miss an exclusive opinion on the NCUSIF from NCUA Acting Chairman Dennis Dollar on page 16 of our special report. Also, with the 2001 insurance industry focusing on innovation, pages 14-15 offer a potpourri of what's new in insurance offerings.
INDIANAPOLIS - Credit union data processor re:Member Data has signed an agreement with Oracle that allows the company to beta test its Oracle9i relational database software. Oracle9i provides the capabilities to archive all raw interface data and allows re:Member Data to tailor its new software solution to individual credit union...
WASHINGTON - While Acting NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar is preparing to give credit unions some regulatory flexibility, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has announced a pilot program to do the same for national banks. The program is aimed at smaller community banks, according to Comptroller John...
KILARNEY, Ireland -Dennis Dollar is accustomed to speaking to credit union audiences in the U.S. about regulations and the regulatory environment. Speaking to delegates from 30 different countries at the World Council of Credit Union's 2001 Internetional Conference and Annual Meeting, the acting NCUA chairman had the opportunity to explain...