Real estate lending - one of the primary reasons for its conversion plans - clearly dominates the CU's loan portfolio in dollar amount. As the chart shows, it makes up 53% of the CU's portfolio.
EDINBURGh, Scotland - If you can't lick `em, join `em, or better yet have them join you. Capital Credit Union has just taken a giant step in improving credit union-legislative relationships. The Scottish Parliament has become one of their sponsoring organizations, and all 1,000 employees from clerks to members of...
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - Everyone wants their own magazine. First Oprah did it, then Rosie and now Redstone Federal Credit Union? That's right, what began as an idea Information Technology Assistant Vice President Teri Bentley had after attending a BAI conference almost two years ago, the $1 billion credit union made...
SAN DIEGO - Credit union data processor Symitar Systems has enhanced its Web site ( to allow customers to access the company's most current documentation online before receiving the CD-ROM update. Interim versions of Symitar's Online Publications (version 2.1 of the Symitar for Windows publications, and 5.1 of the text...
Alabama Credit Union League, Birmingham, has appointed the following directors to its board: District 1- Charlotte Williams, president, Listerhill Credit Union; District 3-Dale Dalbey, executive vice president, Mutual Savings Credit Union; Merrill Mann, vice president, APCO Employees Credit Union; Tom Tatum, Chief Executive Officer, Jefferson County Teachers Credit Union; District...
WASHINGTON-Senator James Jeffords (I-Vt.) announced he would leave the Republican party prior to the Memorial Day recess. He would return June 5 officially as an Independent caucusing with the Democrats. The move effectively broke the even split in the Senate to 50-49-1 in favor of the Democrats, and has implications...
My vision for Credit Union Times when it was launched 11 years ago was to cover the news of the credit union industry so well that busy subscribers wouldn't have to read a multitude of other credit union publications. That vision has materialized. Credit Union Times, especially in the last...
CALABASAS, Calif. - Portals are fading in CU land, but that's not stopping all CUs from getting involved. The $700 million SEFCU, Albany, N.Y., has launched a new e-commerce portal that is powered by Digital Insight's AXIS eCommerce Portal. It includes transaction-based services such as online brokerage, car buying, and...
MADISON, Wis. - With the renewed credit union branding push, CUNA has made it easier for compliance and marketing to work together. CUNA's Marketing Council and Center for Professional Development have joined forces to release the Compliance and Marketing Guide for credit unions. Written by Tom Leduc, an attorney with...
Most everyone has some sort of list of pet peeves. Here are some of mine, gathered from many years of observing the credit union scene: * Credit union leaders who refer to credit union presidents/CEOs as "managers." It was a long hard fight to shed that outdated title. This is...