WASHINGTON-In Saturday sessions, the House and Senate approved the conference report for the administration's $1.3 trillion tax cut bill, pared down from the original $1.6 trillion. The House vote was 240 to 154, with 39 not voting, while the Senate approved the measure 58 to 33. Credit union-backed pension reform...
SOUTH BEND, Indiana - The $2 billion Hughes Aircraft Employees FCU and the $1.1 billion Bank-Fund Staff FCU are converting to Fiserv's MortgageServ mortgage servicing solution. Employees access MortgageServ utilizing a Web browser. The solution features a Web-page feel, with menu bars, links, and multiple-window access. It is delivered in...
Ent Federal Credit Union, Colorado Springs, has named William D. Vogeney chief lending officer, and Barbara J. Winter organizational resources vice president. Patelco Credit Union, San Francisco, has named Sherry Callahan senior vice president of operations. First Entertainment Credit Union, Hollywood, Calif., has named Roy MacKinnon vice president of marketing...
ALEXANDRIA, Va.-Allowing credit union groups to comment on the external review of the overhead transfer rate is the first time the stakeholders have been permitted to take such an action in the agency's history, by Acting NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar's recollection. CUNA and NAFCU have taken advantage of this opportunity...
MOUNDS VIEW, Minn. - In light of the problems its telecom firm Convergent Communications is having, Liberty announced today that it has formed a telecommunications agreement with MCI-WorldCom in order to ensure its Liberty Cavion CU customers uninterrupted service. Michael J. Provenzano, Liberty's EVP of Internet Applications, said Liberty Cavion...
Credit Union ONE, Ferndale, Mich., President and CEO, Armando Cavazos, has been named an honorary member of Beta Gamma Sigma honor society at the University of Detroit Mercy. Beta Gamma Sigma is an international honor society that recognizes outstanding academic achievements and professional excellence in business. The designation is considered...
WASHINGTON - Members use their credit unions' Web sites to do their banking, not for surfing the Net. And putting some in-house advertising on the home banking pages of the Web site might be a good marketing strategy. Those are just two of the findings from the first round of...
Many times, consumers experience a trade-off when they try to find satisfaction through machines: what they gain in convenience they lose with modern-day annoyances that come with the new technology. Today, you can check your savings account balance at any time of the night, but not until having to cope...
WASHINGTON - By its own admission, NASCUS' recent meeting with representatives from Deloitte & Touche to discuss the approach the firm will take in its independent study of NCUA's overhead transfer rate funding formula, went better than NASCUS expected. NASCUS President/CEO Doug Duerr admitted he was "concerned" going into the...
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Profound Communications, Inc., a full-service strategic marketing firm, has been recognized by the Ohio Credit Union League for its Financial Facts newsletter with the Marketing Brilliance Award. The publication educates credit union members about financial topics such as investing, money management, and lending. The award was presented...