So far, 17 states have passed laws to limit environmental, social and governance investing, and there have been over 150 bills on ESG investing in 37 states.
Mark Bertolini, ex-CEO of Aetna, proposed that employers continue to contribute to employees’ insurance, but instead of enrolling them in a group plan, allow them to select an individual plan that fits their needs.
The lawsuit alleged UnitedHealth CFO John Rex interfered with the company's decision to drop "one of the worst-performing target date options in the entire market.”
As we edge toward 2025, the challenges ahead — staffing shortages, aging populations and the rapid pace of technological change — demand nothing less than a revolution in how we train, support and retain our workforce.
Gen Xers are increasingly turning to experts for financial guidance, with nearly four in 10 currently paying for advisor services, up from 29% just six months ago, according to a Nationwide study.
Whether it's ageist stereotypes, bullying or subtle cultural pressures to conceal their age, many employees over the age of 40 often admit they struggle to feel accepted due to their age.