Transitioning from voluntary to auto-enrollment in 401(k)s, coupled with auto-escalation, should be a key plan design feature for employers, recommends the Morningstar Center for Retirement & Policy Studies.
Employers and plan sponsors must prioritize guaranteed income options in 401(k)s as a necessity – not just a "nice-to-have" option, according to a Nationwide's Protected Retirement survey report.
Advisors can serve as a bridge to address the retirement readiness gap, helping plan sponsors—and in turn, employees— be better prepared for life in retirement, according to a new Fidelity survey.
Staying informed about new laws, understanding their implications, and implementing necessary operational changes requires substantial resources and expertise.
For a worker who retires at age 65 today and lives 30 years, these are the 10 worst cities for stretching retirement income now, according to the Consumer Price Index.