It's an ideal time to focus on promoting financial literacy and helping employees understand the various long-term savings tools that may be available to them beyond a 401(k), such as an IRA, HSA, and FSA.
September 6, the Friday after Labor Day, is 401(k) Day, a time for employers to focus on financial wellness and empowering employees to take charge of their financial futures – and encouraging them to take advantage of employer matching contributions.
The DOL earlier this year filed a lawsuit accusing Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota of incorrectly imposing a state provider tax on self-funded health plan customers and violating its fiduciary duties under ERISA.
Employers generally turn to direct contracting expecting lower costs, shared savings, and easy implementation. Most respondents reported expecting savings between 6% to 20%.
The law's student loan matching provision has received high adoption rates from plan sponsors, says Ron Ulrich, ADP's VP of Retirement Services, who discusses key 2024 and 2025 provisions that employers need to take advantage of.