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196 results for kevin trokey
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Agencies that don't start tracking their numbers and using them to make better-informed decisions will find survival a challenge.
Business owners are unapologetically saying, "I'm not forcing any additional change on my employees."
To not have a sales process in place and to not provide sales training around that process is a failure of leadership.
We all know the danger of an empty pipeline, but there is something worse: a full pipeline that's stagnant.
For many benefits professionals, it's not a surprise that Haven's lofty goals haven't panned out.
When a producer plays their proper role when taking care of the client, way fewer issues crop up and threaten the relationship.
The reality is you will lose every account the same way you won it.
Mutually beneficial alliances with clients, vendors and other brokers are more important than ever.
The concept is simple: Recognize that the big decisions you ask your clients to make are made up of several smaller ones.
Just as you maintain a pipeline of prospects, you should do the same with potential candidates.