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196 results for kevin trokey
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What if I challenged you to grow your book by 60% this year?
Why, after years of saying the right things and vowing to do better, does our industry still look so much like it always has?
Marketing is not a new business idea, but in many ways, it is for insurance agencies.
Because of their focus on sales, too many agency owners/leaders tend to ignore problems when they arise.
To effectively serve their employer clients, advisors must work cohesively with the right vendor-partners to deliver that impact.
We cannot stand silent and allow this moment to simply be one more that passes. Nor is it enough to use our voices only until the initial outrage subsides. We must use this moment as a catalyst for change.
Wearing multiple hats is usually done out of necessity; however, that doesn't eliminate the fundamental problem of dual roles.
You must find the discipline to block out the appropriate amount of time for your fill-the-pipeline activities. But which ones?
Sales teams need to find a way to intervene earlier in the buying process, both for their benefit and that of the buyer.
Not enough opportunities in the pipeline? Whose fault is that?