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196 results for kevin trokey
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Sales calls that aren't 'sales calls,' salesmen with bad breath, oversharing personal details... and more horrible sales pitches!
Tom DiLiegro is a consultant and the owner of Benefits Advisors of Charleston, focusing on the needs of small business owners.
Salespeople are playing the same game every day. Don't make that game harder than it needs to be.
Even if there is collusion between insurance carriers on market prices, what if one of the carriers breaks ranks?
If profit is limited to a fixed percentage of the whole, the only way profit goes up is if the size of the whole increases. Right?
The communication bar in this industry is so low it could be used as a limbo pole.
Confidence is attractive. Apologies are not.
Allison Butler is focused on bringing higher quality benefits to employers at lower costs.
Today's most successful salespeople are educators above all else.
The service-as-a-differentiator message is often the go-to play when trying to close a new deal, but it's a total cop-out.