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196 results for kevin trokey
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While one end of our industry pool is being chlorinated, the other is proving to be a fertile sea birthing effective, helpful advisors.
Marketing has to be a critical function of your business. If you aren't present at each leg of the buyer's journey, you don't exist.
Often, producers will, with seeming pride, tell me “Oh, I only work on referrals.” In theory, this is a terrific idea. In execution, it's tragic.
Emma Passe's data-backed approach is helping employers embrace new health care delivery models.
Here are three simple actions you can take that put a bit of burden on the buyer without pushing them away.
How many brokers are conducting a mid-year stewardship meeting where the purpose is to renew the relationship with the client?
Yeah, fourth quarter is busy, I get that, but prospecting is about the last thing a producer should ignore.
The spotlight on the latest hot benefit solution blinds advisors to all of the other solutions that came before and are collecting dust in the toolbox.
Networking on social media isn't much different from traditional networking. It starts with just showing up.
Many have written about the disappearance of nuance in today's world of “quick takes” and all-or-nothing social media standoffs. There's no…