Many companies have started funding wellness programs that enable staff members to keep fit, control their stress, and enhance financial security. Still, the execution of such initiatives calls for careful consideration of crucial legal aspects.
Daniel Aronowitz, an opponent of the strategy of "regulation through litigation," would become assistant secretary of Labor and the Employee Benefits Security Administration's chief.
The Retirement Fairness for Charities and Educational Institutions Act of 2025 is the latest attempt to pass CIT legislation, however, this time the Investment Company Institute and the Insured Retirement Institute are getting behind the effort.
The Senate’s new bill would allow 403(b)s to include CITs as part of their investment menu options, and now the Investment Company Institute is getting behind the effort to boost retirement savings for nurses, educators, and other nonprofit workers.
Employers who don’t offer retirement planning advice should encourage their older employees, particularly those 60-63, to consult with accountants or tax preparers to benefit from the “super” catch-up contributions, recommends Firstrade.