Starting next year Medicare will base 30 percent of payments on how well health providers care for patients. By 2018, the goal is to put half of payments under the new system.
The Arkansas expansion has been a model for other Republican-leaning states because of its use of commercial health plans operating in the states insurance exchange
Large employers are increasingly putting an end to their most generous health-care coverage as a tax on Cadillac insurance plans looms closer under Obamacare.
Republicans, newly in charge of the House and Senate, begin their campaign to dismantle PPACA with a vote this week to ease the laws requirement that large employers give health insurance to full-time workers.
Gov. Bill Haslam, a Republican, announced today that the state would expand its Medicaid program for the poor under a real Tennessee solution that the Obama administration supports in principle.
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives subpoenaed an MIT economist to demand records of his work on Obamacare for federal and state governments that they say will shed light on how the law was passed.
Americans can save money by shopping for new health insurance plans through Obamacare, U.S. officials said, in a push to keep people from getting surprised by bigger bills when the coverage they have now through the program renews automatically.