A team at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners is trying to figure out how health insurers should get the cash to pay their Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act fees.
The Commonwealth Fund has come out with data supporting what insurance producers have said all along: Many high-income Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and having trouble handling medical bills.
Whether the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act health insurance exchanges will work was one of the questions that kept coming up Wednesday at a hearing on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services fiscal year 2014 budget proposal.
A dental working group at the District of Columbia Health Benefit Exchange Authority has published a dental options report that illustrates some of the choices exchange builders are making.
The managers of the model for the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act health insurance exchange system -- the Massachusetts exchange program -- say low-income and moderate-income users seem to be happy with the program.
The new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act health insurance fee could add about 1.7 percent to the cost of commercial coverage from a for-profit plan in 2014.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday decided 5-4 that a federal court can use equitable law principles when a group health plan contract governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is silent about a legal issue.
A team of state insurance regulators is trying to figure out how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act might affect or not health plans that operate outside the PPACA health insurance exchange system.