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The states that still report data appear to be worse off than they were a year ago.
Health care deals are especially likely to increase use of specialty care, actuaries told state insurance regulators.
Mark Farrah Associates reports premiums per insured member per month rose 5%.
In a state that used that option, some dental health services might be available without annual spending maximums.
But they were no more likely than lower-income workers to report seeking necessary medical attention.
The president wants to see the profit margins for medications like Wegovy go on a diet.
The heath insurer will make intrauterine insemination benefits a standard plan feature.
Milliman ranked the drug as the one that cost employer plans the most money in 2023.
For micro employers, lack of affordable stop-loss insurance could be an obstacle.
The program includes an HSA, a retiree HRA and an educational assistance program, as well as a 401(k) plan.