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Adults with coverage were much more likely to report seeing a dentist in the past year.
One study the analysts cited showed private equity-owned nursing homes had lower COVID death rate.
Options listed include hospital deal reporting changes and lower antitrust review thresholds.
Federal transparency rules took effect in 2022 but have not worked well.
An Eli Lilly executive warned that some of what labs try to palm off on desperate patients is contaminated.
The obesity and diabetes control drugs accounted for about 5% of U.S. drug spending.
Growing ACA exchange system stability will make the strategy more attractive, executives predict.
ICHRA enrollees may now account for a noticeable fraction of the 24.3 million Americans who had individual or family major medical coverage.
Totalis Benefits will focus on selling life, disability and absence management services.
Walz supports a state public option effort but never backed the House Medicare for All Act bills.