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Statistics for 2019 show hospitals were the big winners vs. five other categories of health care spending.
Many other states with locally run exchanges have set deadlines after Dec. 15, or have extended their deadlines.
The deal could let doctors take any billing disputes to arbitrators, rather than requiring doctors to accept a standard rate chart.
Renewals continue to be stronger than new signup activity.
The justices held that Arkansas can set payment rules that affect ERISA plans' pharmacy benefits managers.
CMS plans to start a test of the "Geographic Direct Contracting Model" in at least four markets in 2022.
Total signups are down 26%, though Thanksgiving may have thrown off comparisons.
Several federal agencies are calling for reducing the user fee from 3% of premiums to 2.25% in states.
White House advisors say those over 65 should avoid indoor public spaces with unmasked people.
Meanwhile, the number of households signing up for new coverage fell 4.8%, to 177,644.