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It will be added to the list of products or services that must be included in a policy package without imposing an annual or lifetime benefits maximum.
The effort may mean that agents, brokers and other benefits advisors will have one more coverage detail to explain to clients.
In mid-September, in the typical state, the pandemic accounted for 1 in 6 deaths.
Charges for provider-insurer arbitration under state "no surprises" programs range from $270 to $6,000.
Agents and brokers may have to start giving customers commission schedules Dec. 27.
The federal American Rescue Plan Act subsidy program is set to end Sept. 30.
Two executives say employers and disability carriers should be prepared for a wave of workers who need accommodations.
Over the next month, the national weekly death count could rise about 16%.
NAIC is setting up a working group that will look at marketing of products that do not meet ACA requirements for major medical insurance.
Benefits managers need to make sure their cybersecurity evolves.