We've tried to get an idea of how Amazon might perform as a health-benefits revolutionary by comparing its health benefits with Kaiser Permanente's benefits.
Officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are trying to squeeze what they say is unjustified risk score inflation out of the Medicare Advantage program in 2019.
Litigation financing has existed for years in Australia and the U.S. but not in Canada due to a widely held interpretation of a provision of common law -- but that's changing.
During a conference call, executives from Anthem did something unusual: they talked about wanting to sell commercial health insurance coverage, and, possibly, to sell it through agents and brokers.
The company's selling expense amount for health insurance fell to $363 million in the latest quarter, down 8.1 percent from the amount for the fourth quarter of 2016.
A review by the U.S. Government Accountability Office has found that about 1,700 people who died in 2014 received at least some subsidy help in 2015 because HealthCare.gov helped those people re-enroll automatically.
AXA S.A. is jumping into the U.S. benefits administration market with the acquisition of Maestro Healthcare Technology Inc., a Chicago-based benefits administrator, for $155 million.
President Donald Trump has signed an anti-government shutdown bill that will eliminate $12.7 billion in Affordable Care Act health insurer fee taxes for 2019.