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The median recipient gets about $55,000, which is more than double their typical retirement savings.
The ideal claiming decision can be difficult psychologically: In effect you're betting on when you are going to die.
And 29 percent of older Americans have neither a pension nor any assets in a 401(k) or IRA account.
Get ready for 'a vast generational transfer of wealth' -- at least to some young people.
Generation X and especially millennials are being pickier about who they marry, tying the knot at older ages when education, careers and finances are on track.
Women face lower wages, expensive retirements, longer lives -- in same-sex marriages, add in discrimination.
Due to the new tax law and how it handles pass-through businesses, cash balance plans are becoming popular for tax reasons.
As baby boomers thank years of soaring markets, millennials and Gen Z are held back by student debt, stagnant wages.
In a new UBS Financial Services survey, 53 percent of wealthy investors said they expected to live to 100.
Glitches at robo-advisor sites caused complaints this week, causing some to question this niche in the financial industry.