A proposal to end guaranteed pensions for new teachers, state and county workers and other public employees began moving through the Florida Legislature on Thursday.
The stock market decline that began nearly five years ago is not to blame for Florida cities' underfunded pension systems, according to Florida State University experts.
An aide to Florida Gov. Rick Scott is defending the Republican's opposition to expanding Medicaid under the federal health care overhaul to cover another million state residents, even though the federal government would pick up most of the initial costs.
Florida would save mere nickels, dimes or pennies for every federal dollar it passes up should the state heed Gov. Rick Scott's call to reject Medicaid expansion under the national health care overhaul, preliminary figures show.
A consumer advocate urged Florida insurance officials on Thursday to seek public comment on essential health care benefits under the federal Affordable Care Act.
Florida's experimental, five-county Medicaid managed care program is providing such poor service that the state should suspend plans for expanding it statewide, according to a report released Monday by a liberal-leaning think tank.
State economists said growth in Florida's once-exploding Medicaid program is slowing and predicted Monday that Medicaid spending will increase by a relatively modest $1.3 billion, or 6.3 percent, in the next budget year.
Florida's Board of Administration said there's no need to revise investment policy for the Florida Retirement System because a new law changes the benefits and contributions.