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Your employees act as your company's spine, holding up all the other elements of your business so they don't fall apart.
A great benefits advisor will aim to earn your trust before you've even signed a contract.
Spending time in a waiting room full of sick people is never desirable, but during a time like this, it's even riskier.
To save our industry, we must embrace the next generation of ideas in employee benefits.
As advisors, we may consider ourselves masters of change and sherpas of innovation, but as much as we challenge and push our clients to create and facilitate change, we are often just as guilty as missing the bigger picture of our own work
The more comfortable your employees are with your benefits advisor, the more likely they'll be to take their recommendations.
As you work to change your benefits plan for the better, you should also be communicating these changes to your employees.
Using technology in a benefits plan follows the Next-Gen model of offering your employees equal or better quality care for less.
Taking control of the health care process offers better quality care and more options while creating savings for everyone involved.
Making the most out of your plan's cost-cutting potential requires a bit of strategizing, but the results are worth it.