Many have cancelled or postponed plans in the past year to see a specialist, take a prescribed medication or get an annual physical – and 14% are considering downgrading their health insurance, says a new report.
Old solutions, like cost shifting, will not work - companies that don't innovate, strategize and find new solutions will fall behind in their ability to retain key talent, according to a new report.
With an average projected wage increase of 3.9%, employers are shifting focus toward employee well-being and taking a total rewards approach by adding benefits, says a new study.
"[Corporate] Learning and development needs to happen where work takes place and learning leaders must place a greater focus on creating blended learning experiences that mirror hybrid work models," says Jeanne Meister, Executive Vice President, Executive Networks.
Executives' overall satisfaction with work is down 15% over the last year, while remaining relatively flat – or even slightly rising – for non-executives.