Global sales of these lower-cost versions of patented and branded drugs topped $15 billion in 2020, while the market is set to double in size to more than $30 billion by 2025, according to a McKinsey report.
In fact, 85% of companies now have a formal wellbeing strategy - which encompasses physical, emotional, social, career and financial health - says a new report.
A combination of rising yields, declining equity markets and a strengthening dollar made 2022 a challenging year for many investors, but pension fund levels improved year over year, according a new report.
Government programs, such as Medicare, made up 42% of spend or $1.8 trillion, while private insurance programs, including employer-sponsored plans, made up 28% of spend, or about $1.2 trillion.
During open enrollment, most enrollees (72%) spend less than an hour on their health plan, with HDHP enrollees spending more time than traditional plan enrollees, says a new survey.
This dollar amount equates to 6.6 billion lost hours of productivity over a two-year period of the pandemic, according to a new Integrated Benefits Institute report.
The new law, which took effect Jan. 1, amends the FLSA and requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide reasonable break time for all workers, including salaried employees, to express breast milk as needed.