The other day I had to call in sick with a stomach bug. But maybe I was just suffering from a case of the financial flu. Its apparently rather contagious.
The number of Americans getting health insurance from their employer continues to drop, with a record low 44.6 percent getting employer-sponsored coverage in 2011, compared to 45.8 percent in 2010, according to Gallup numbers.
Workers who engage in health-smart habits offered in consumer-driven health plans reduced their health risks and lower their total medical costs an average of $9,700 per employee over a five-year period, according to a study of health care claims representing 1.1 million Cigna customers in CDHPs, PPOs and HMOs.
A new study coming from the University of California-Irvine may upset Republicans who argue health care reform is too costly: Researchers found health care costs on the whole fall when poorer, uninsured patients are provided health insurance.
There are more consumers purchasing individual health insurance than ever before and with the individual mandate starting in 2014, those without coverage will have to apply for the first time. So, where do consumers begin?
A wise man once said: "Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you." Clearly, he was talking about his doctor.