Personal incomes dropped among a significant minority of primary care physicians, one reason thats causing them to reevaluate continuing their small practices, according to a survey from Physicians Practice. Almost 21 percent of survey respondents reported that their incomes dropped by more than 10 percent compared with 2011.
Weve heard a lot about the flu season so far. Even though its still early in the season, weve heard the words epidemic, and widespread being thrown around a lot, so it doesnt sound good.
The Department of Health and Human Services on Thursday released some long-awaited rules that expand and update the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
Mirroring the debate in Washington, most Americans agree that Medicare needs to undergo some form of change, but theyre not in agreement on the nature of the reform.
The federal health department Thursday announced $1.5 billion in new grants to support states building health insurance exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
The federal government wants to remind consumers of the mandate as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and theyre using a consumer-friendly website as a way to do it.
As health reform continues to changes the landscape of our countrys health system, what is there to watch in the new year? A lot, industry insiders say.
The Obama administration released new regulations Monday on some key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, including Medicaid expansion and state exchanges.