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Katie Kuehner-Hebert is a freelance writer based in Running Springs, Calif. She has more than three decades of journalism experience, with particular expertise in employee benefits and other human resource topics.
The cost of health care for the typical American family of four in an average PPO plan is $26,944, compared to $25,826 in 2016.
If executed well, the pharma business could be a $25 billion to $50 billion market opportunity for Amazon.
In 2016, 28.6 million people were uninsured, unchanged from 2015, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Two prominent advocacy groups are voicing strong opposition to the Republicans latest effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
Enrollment in HSAs in 2016 more than doubled from five years ago, to 17 percent, based on data reported in the 2016 UBA Health Plan Survey.
Out of the 1,000 small business owners surveyed, 53.4 percent believe Trump should be voted out of office.
When asked whether Congress should repeal all or parts of the Affordable Care Act, 19 percent say repeal the entire act.
According to new research, 70 percent of recruiters agree internship experience is more valuable than college GPA when applying for a job.
Among 222 'novel therapeutics' approved by the FDA from 2001 through 2010, 32 percent were affected by a postmarket safety event.
To quell rising health care costs, more than a third of employers throughout the world are now offering wellness or well-being programs.