For the first time in I don't know how long, benefit brokers and advisors are utilizing some truly exciting ideas and strategies on behalf of their clients
For the first time in I don't know how long, benefit brokers and advisors are utilizing some truly exciting ideas and strategies on behalf of their clients
There are a lot of employers out there who have had some really bad renewal days as they meet with their traditional benefits broker, but increasingly, there are other employers out there having very unexpected and exciting days.
There are a lot of employers out there who have had some really bad renewal days as they meet with their traditional benefits broker to receive the inevitable bad news.
Selling is a difficult, scary job. And most would agree that prospecting is the most difficult, scariest part. That's why most producers come up with countless reasons to avoid it. But, that's not OK; you have to own the responsibility.
People only embrace the pain of change once the pain of the status quo becomes greater. You will only embrace your prospecting responsibility when you realize avoiding it is the scarier option.