These large asset management firms violated antitrust law through climate activism that resulted in reduced coal production and boosted energy prices, according to a lawsuit filed by Texas attorney general Ken Paxton.
Last week, the world’s largest retailer announced that it will start to unwind its Center for Racial Equity, as other employers, including Boeing, Ford and JPMorgan Chase, have recently backed away from their DEI policies.
Employees who start saving an additional $7,500 per year until age 67, while earning a modest 7% compounded annually, can add $250,000 to their retirement nest egg, says Ambassador Wealth Management’s Phill Battin.
Adoption can be improved by integrating annuities into target-date funds, and providing clear communication and professional guidance, says PGIM’s David Blanchett.
For the first time in years, Gen X reported slightly worse financial wellness than Gen Z, but the new catch-up contribution rules for next year will give them a boost, according to a new Guardian report.
The DOL has “shared information with class action law firms to give them a leg up in federal litigation,” House Committee Chair Rep. Virginia Foxx wrote to the DOL’s Inspector General.
There are proactive steps employers can take to address student loan issues, such as providing better information on loan forgiveness eligibility and creating incentives like matching contributions, according to MissionSquare.
There’s a push by Congress to pass a bill to allow CITs – tax-exempt, pooled investment vehicles similar to mutual funds – in 403(b) plans, but investor advocacy groups oppose the bill. But now, the American Retirement Association is strongly advocating for its passage.
In partnership with Connecticut’s state program that launched in 2022, Rhode Island’s new RISavers Program will be required for businesses to enact that do not have a 401(k).