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Millions of orphaned 401(k) accounts abound, so the challenge is to get people to do something with them.
A new study by LIMRA looks at the differences between health care and higher education 403(b) retirement plans.
Falling interest rates caused pension liabilities to outpace growth in April.
Adults over the age of 45 are more interested in achieving peace of mind when it comes to financial goals than accumulating wealth.
Transamerica findings target best ways financial advisors can help employees save for retirement.
The economic downturn didn't stop small-business owners or employees from contributing to their retirement plans.
Maritz Research finds that 37 percent of those nearing retirement age believe they will have to work during their retirement and 36 percent of near-retirees expect to delay their retirement altogether.
A new group is trying to promote the use of commercial real estate as an investment option for employer-sponsored retirement plans.
While 401(k) account balances are at an all-time high, only a small percentage of plan sponsors believe their employees are on track for retirement.
If employees who leave a job are counseled about what to do with their 401(k) plans before they go, fewer of them would cash out of their plans.