The American Legion believes the Obama administration has broken its promise to keep Americas Armed Forces the best trained, best led, best-equipped fighting force in history by cutting the 2013 U.S. Department of Defense budget by 8 percent from 2012.
Fund managers are more cautious about the prospects for world growth and investment returns, according to a global survey of investment managers conducted by global professional services firm Towers Watson.
As part of America Saves Week, the U.S. Department of Labors Employee Benefits Security Administration will host a free webcast for small business owners talking about choosing a retirement savings plan and helping employees save for retirement.
Overspending in retirement is a huge issue, in large part because people dont know how much they have saved and they take too much out of their savings when they do retire.
Mesirow Financial and PNC Institutional Investments have introduced an ERISA Section 3(21) and 3(38) fiduciary service for Vested Interest retirement plan sponsors.
Average employee contributions rose slightly in 2011 to $5,750, up from $5,680 a year ago, according to new data on 401(k) savings and behaviors released by Fidelity Investments.