American workers lack of retirement readiness has been dropped on the doorstep of the defined contribution market and its been pointed out again and again that 401(k) plans dont offer the same benefits that came with defined benefit pension plans.
These so-called legacy assets pose problems because the employer is still required to manage those assets, even though it has moved the entire 403(b) plan to a different provider.
The difference in optimism levels between advisor and client may seem great to some but the survey found, the optimism gap, or the difference between advisor and investor optimism, had actually narrowed to a record low of 43 percent.
In their letter, the Democratic Congressmen said that any definition should not limit access to investment education and information. We certainly want to protect plan participants.
Fully 35 percent of respondents in North America and 34 percent of respondents in Asia-Pacific said that saving for retirement and their childrens futures was a financial priority.
As individuals become more optimistic about living past age 75, they extend their planned retirement dates and increase their expectations about working to the milestone ages of 62, 65 or Social Securitys full retirement age.
The funded ratio of the Fortune 1000 pension plans improved slightly from the previous year to 74 percent and 70 percent of companies had a funded status of less than 80 percent.
Although the name is changing, the company will continue to help Americans save more for retirement through its retirement, investment and insurance market segments.